Assessment of the Dietary and Biological Value of a Plant-based Milk Analogue from Fenugreek Seeds
Nataliia Prytulska,
Iuliia Motuzka,
Anna Koshelnyk,
Olena Motuzka
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2020
17 September 2020
28 September 2020
7 October 2020
Abstract: The biological and dietary value of the plant-based milk analogue from fenugreek seeds is investigated. The amino acid composition is determined by liquid-column ion exchange chromatography. The completion of protein is tested by its comparison with the amino acid composition of the reference protein, determined by the recommendations of the FAO/WHO expert committee. The amino acid score and the biological value is determined by the computation method. It is found that the plant-based milk analogue from fenugreek seeds contains a significant quantity of essential amino acids, with the largest share of leucine and valine. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and arginine occupy the largest share among the non-essential amino acids in the plant-based milk analogue from fenugreek seeds. The biological value of proteins in the milk analogue from fenugreek seeds makes 96%, having the high compliance with the biological value of a soya drink (96.4%). This is positive, because soy is considered to be the closest in protein content and amino acid composition to traditional milk proteins. Therefore, the derived data confirm that fenugreek seeds are applicable as a plant-based source of protein for the expansion of the assortment of food products made of fenugreek seeds, both in the mass-scale consumption and for persons with special needs (in particular the patients with sugar diabetes and intolerance of milk protein).
Abstract: The biological and dietary value of the plant-based milk analogue from fenugreek seeds is investigated. The amino acid composition is determined by liquid-column ion exchange chromatography. The completion of protein is tested by its comparison with the amino acid composition of the reference protein, determined by the recommendations of the FAO/WH...
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Design and Development of Mango (Mangifera Indica. L) Fruit Peeler Machine
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2020
22 September 2020
14 October 2020
30 October 2020
Abstract: Mango fruit is the most popular fruit on the planet and most likely fruit cultivation grown in Ethiopia. The peeling of the mango is one process that is done traditionally and time-consuming. Not only this but also, during peeling, there is the loss of pulp within seed and peel. A process of peeling is removing the peel from mango pulp which is commonly done manually which results in a waste of time, low and fewer quality products and hand hurt. To make the peeling process easy, a peeler machine was designed and developed. The peeler machine consists of the frames, spur gears, sample shaft, blade shaft, screw shaft, blade, and handling which has been made of locally sourced materials to making it cost-effective. After the design of the peeler machine, the efficiency of the developed prototype was carried out by using mango fruit. The abstract focused on designing and developing an effective peeler machine for both commercial and household use with the main objective of improves the hygiene of any mango product processes, increase supply of mango fruit in restaurants, reduce environmental waste and may reduce the highest cost of processed mango product in market.
Abstract: Mango fruit is the most popular fruit on the planet and most likely fruit cultivation grown in Ethiopia. The peeling of the mango is one process that is done traditionally and time-consuming. Not only this but also, during peeling, there is the loss of pulp within seed and peel. A process of peeling is removing the peel from mango pulp which is com...
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